Most of the time, we are against our Dayaks YB's but this time, I agree to your statement.
Sarawak can't be the adopted children anymore. We are too poor to sustain the future. Driving toward Vision 2020 and our beloved Dayaks people are still living in poverty. The road to ULU's are also very poor.
Please Masing, continue with your expression and we expect you people to work with the Sabahan. We don't care if you people are the richest because of the Timber cosession but you must speak for our nation.
You have killed PBDS and you must aim higher. Tell your boys (UMNO on the line) but you must bring one party up. That is PKR. By september, Anwar must be the PM and the DPM 1 or 2 must be from East Malaysia or no other talk.
Borneo Post.

LIGHT MOMENT: Masing (left), deputy DUN speaker John Sikie (right) and Wong Ho Leng (DAP-Bukit Assek) find something to smile about.
Sarawak never makes ‘ungrateful’ requests
We never demand for much from federal govt: Dr Chan
SARAWAK has never made ‘ungrateful’ requests to the federal government, said several party leaders here, in stark opposition to a recent comment by a West Malaysian Barisan Nasional (BN) MP.
“We leave the allocation of ministerial post to the Prime Minister. We never demand for much from the federal government,” said Sarawak United People’s Party president Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Dr George Chan.
The deputy chief minister was asked for his views in relation to a article, which reported on criticism against East Malaysian BN MPs.
On Monday, Mohamad Aziz (BN-Sri Gading) said in parliament that East Malaysian BN MPs should stop complaining over their lack of representation in the federal cabinet.
Mohamad was quoted as saying that East Malaysian MPs who complained were being ‘ungrateful’ and ‘unable to appreciate their blessings’.
Politicians The Borneo Post spoke to regarding the matter at the State Legislative Assembly yesterday all shared the same opinion – that Mohamad was wrong.
But what differed among the Sarawak party leaders was their opinion regarding the relatively small representation of East Malaysians in the federal Cabinet, and why local MPs were voicing out.
Parti Rakyat Sarawak president Dato Sri Dr James Masing said Mohamad had confused frustration with disloyalty.
“Expressing frustration is very different from being disloyal. He (Mohamad) does not understand that the reason for these ‘noises’ by Sabahans is part of the frustration that Sarawakians also share.
“Our infrastructure is way behind them (West Malaysia) for instance. Look at their roads - North, South, East and West highways … East Malaysia is bigger but look at the mileage of our roads. Sabah and Sarawak have been left behind.”
As such, he said the issue was not about being ungrateful, “the issue is that East Malaysia deserves due recognition”.
However, delving deeper into the subject matter, Masing said the goal behind East Malaysian MPs complaints was not really confined to ministerial posts per se.
“(Federal cabinet) Representation is just one of a few minor issues. The main issue is really development. If they can give us the funds we need for economic development, then, representation becomes secondary,” Masing said.
He added that, in politics, “the bigger the representation, the bigger the voice” to ask for things.
“What we are begging for is development. Don’t sideline us. Don’t treat us as adopted children. We are grateful as we have stuck with Barisan National through thick-and-thin.
“So it is not fair to us at all what this MP (Mohamad) has said,” Masing affirmed.
Sarawak Progressive Democratic Party (SPDP) president agreed, but added that BN MPs themselves must also be patient.
“I think he (Mohamad Aziz) is overreacting,” Dato Sri William Mawan said when told of the comment.
“People can voice their complaints … and a political party does have its members.”
Nonetheless, Mawan described the spate of complaints recently as getting ‘very messy’.
“I think the thing has become very messy. We have to consolidate BN now, so we have to rally behind the PM’s decision.
“To me, it is not the right time (to lobby for more ministerial positions). If we start over-exerting, our party (BN) strength cannot be enhanced,” Mawan said.
The Dayak-based party president called for patience. “Wait until we (BN) are strong again.
“We can bring these matters up again latter – like about having a true reflection of party strength in numbers and all these. For the mean time, we should not resort to arm-twisting.”
Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu vice-president Datuk Michael Manyin agreed.
“This (Federal Cabinet) is always the prerogative of the prime minister”.
hi taki kasung
it's mr.brooke.i'd like to invite you as one of the authors for a blog called as i like all of us sarawakians to share our patriotism and love for this beloved state,no country better,of ours.
so,if you like to join us,leave a comment at
and give me ur email.
hope to hear gud news from u!ta!
i have a blog called proudsarawakians
it's a place where we swakians share our spirits and patriotism for our's still new and we welcome more swakians to join in as authors,u know?
so,if ur willing,do u wanna join in?If you do,please drop by at and leave a comment there of ur email.I'm looking forward to working with u,my fellow Swakian!
I wonder why the Malaysian politicians are “so obsessed” with the word “prerogative”. Are they afraid to be losers in the end? Yes, some of the serious bloggers are now anti-gomen, but they are not anti-establishment. They want change in the gomen and the system of governance.
That’s why those politicians should discard the feeling of inferiority complex and should “bark” at their leaders! If their leaders are unease with their subordinates’ action, then they (the subordinate politicians) should “resign” – en masse – in order to allow by-elections!
We, the serious bloggers, will continue to gun down any of these incompetent politicians, especially in Sarawak political arena. We wish them “happy retirement”…
The best example to see: Mr. Khi(nzi)r Toyo(l) is now an active blogger – shitting here and there after he lost the Selangor state. But what did he do for the state during his reign? Nothing, except that he’s busying himself siphoning the state wealth… Well, it is a common knowledge all over Malaysia, so this remark is not seditious, lah!
If Sarawak MPs kept their mouths shut, UMNO will think that Sarawak is happy with what is given by the federal government. In actual fact, the pocket money is just plain peanuts.
How to make Sarawak develop faster if there is not enough fund from KL ? The only way is to voice your frustration. Get your voices heard and you have better chance to get what you want.
It is utterly wrong just to nod your head and agree with what Badawi say. Sarawak must have her self-respect first.
Malaysia Digest
Top Ten Jabu's most visionary (but ridiculously no-brainer) ideas so far:
10. Buah Kepayang is the next golden fruit and should be commercialised big-scale. Cynide paste should be traded at RM5000/ metric tonne. Cynide Futures trading from Bursa soon.
9. Ikan Terubok rearing using kelambu for large-scale project to avoid extinction. Ever heard of high-tensile PVC aqua netting?
8. Tricycle subsidy for rural Dayak folks as alternative transport. Donkeys, Ilamas should be an optional upgrade. Hee-Haa!
7. Santubong bridge is ok! The hairline cracks should be no worry. ( err..sweat! ::) Declared safe by a non qualified engineer or maybe self-declared engineer Ir.Jabu? Anyway, it's a world's first.
6. "State JKR better than federal JKR in handling govt projects." His theme song enthuastically repeated for 2007 all year round. DAMA 2008 Song Of The Year nominee.
5. MRSM Betong college marks the sleepy ghost town Betong as the next education hub. Expect the formation Faculty of Nyabungology and Tuakology. Another world's first.
4. "My new Camry got no good battery." (It's a gift car/ numpang car shh! so he just leave it for 2 weeks, cannot start and eventually stall.) That's Toyota Camry Numpang Limited Edition.
3. My wifey got senator, now that's what we called symbolic appointment. Passed a bill at Dewan Negara that declared munching 'sugis'/ tobacco is legal and mandatory at any longhouse.
2. NCR land systematically grabbed (read:Salcra) for palm oil is good, good, good!
1. Dayaks to be united under Pakatan Rakyat Sarawak soon? Parai kitai! Akai, akai, akai!
Sarawakian MP must fight to drop the superiority of the arrogant AMNO.When they are in power, everything will be vanish by them. Just jumped to the next ship so that they will fall apart. That is my advice
Thanks to all the comments. I will join you later.
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